Ways to Support Deep Vellum
Why Support Deep Vellum
We’re asked all the time. Why is Deep Vellum a nonprofit?
Books are more than just dollar signs for Deep Vellum. Being a nonprofit publishing house allows us to publish books for their artistic and social value—books that we believe should be in the world for readers around the world. But publishing books is expensive! Our nonprofit model allows us to apply for grants and receive donations to cover the expense of making books, supporting book tours and selling Deep Vellum books at an affordable price point. Deep Vellum considers artistic and social merit before sales potential.
Our mission is to bring the world into conversation. Here’s why: Creating global conversation through literature builds cultural bridges, fosters empathy among individuals and communities, and allows us to view life from other perspectives.
Want to know more? Check out this National Endowment for the Arts report on the value of reading.
Our Impact
Former Deep Vellum intern Johnny Nguyen discusses why he supports our organization.
Deep Vellum panel on BIPOC writers and disability inclusion in the literary arts.
Deep Vellum Board Member Jerry Hawkins discusses how Deep Vellum has transformed literary Dallas for our 2021 spring campaign.
Peruvian writer Claudia Ulloa Donoso discusses the value of working with Deep Vellum.