In this virtual series, Deep Vellum connects with literary Texans across the state as they work and live during Covid. Join Marketing & Sales Director Sara for a casual lunchtime conversation on Instagram Live at
In this episode, Sara chats with the duo running Host Publications: Claire Bowman (Senior Editor) and Annar Veröld (Managing Editor).
Host Publications began in 1988 as a small press dedicated to publishing international works in translation, and in 2018 shifted their focus from international authors to authors based in the United States. They committed to creating a seat at the table for marginalized groups, including women, people of color, immigrants, and LGBTQ+ writers. In 2019, Host Publications continued their mission with the announcement of the Host Publications Chapbook Prize, which awards women writers with publication, $1000, 25 copies of the published chapbook, a book launch at Malvern Books, and national distribution with energetic publicity and promotion by their dedicated staff. They also run a podcast, The Host Dispatch.