#GivingTuesday and BBC Recommends Texas

It’s #GivingTuesday, that magical day that falls just after the spending madness that mark Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Every donation goes directly towards furthering Deep Vellum’s mission, helping us sign and publish the greatest works of literature from around the world, hire the best translators, put on translation workshops and literary events across the world, and advocate for literature’s place in the arts community. Without your support, none of this is possible.

In other delightful news, the BBC recommended Texas: The Great Theft as one of their Top Ten Books to Read in December!

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What an honor! The BBC’s Jane Ciabattara notes, “[Boullosa’s] tale, loosely based on the Mexican invasion of the US known as the ‘Cortina troubles’, is populated with freed slaves and European immigrants, Mexican ranchers and Comanches, fortune-hunting gringos and vaqueros, evoking a history that couldn’t be more relevant to today’s immigration battles in the US.

And the BBC’s mention couldn’t come at a better time, as today, December 2nd, marks the official publication date for Texas! So head out to your local indie bookstore and pick up your copy. And if they don’t have it in stock, ask them to order it for you: booksellers across the country listen to readers like you, and they need your wisdom and guidance to help them know what books their readership want to see in the store. And plus, you’ll be an ambassador for Deep Vellum, which is the coolest thing you could be.

In other news, I am leaving for an editors’ trip to South Korea this weekend at the invitation of the Literature Translation Institute of Korea, where I will join my friends Chad Post of Open Letter Books and Ross Ufberg of New Vessel Press (all three of us are distributed by Consortium, I should add) as we meet with publishers, authors, and translators to learn more about South Korean literature. I’ll put up a post about how amazing South Korean literature is before I leave, but I have so much to learn, and I am ecstatic about my first trip (hopefully of many) to Asia.

Thank you again for your support of Deep Vellum, and please consider a donation to Deep Vellum, and please ask friends, family, and your employers if they would consider making a tax-deductible end-of-year donation to Deep Vellum.

Thank you for your time, your support, and your generous donation. Every bit helps as we continue to implement our mission of changing the world through literature in translation.

NewsWIll Evans