Preorder Now, Receive All the Love


Our big August preorder push is underway!

Preorder a 5- or 10-book subscription to Deep Vellum books before September 1 to receive recognition inside Carmen Boullosa’s Texas: The Great Theft, which will be published in October!

Subscribe for 10 books for only $100 (including shipping for US customers!) or 5 books for $60!

Preorders being accepted for US customers through Deep Vellum’s Square Marketplace page.Preorders for international customers available through Paypal on the Orders/Subscription page.

Let’s (Google+) Hangout!

Also join me for a Google+ Hangout chat with the lynchpin of Dallas’ literary scene, Joe Milazzo, tomorrow at 4pm CST, hosted by The Writer’s Garret. Links below, and the Facebook event page is here:

Join us at 4:00 PM this Thursday on Google Plus and YouTube for our latest Writers Studio Chat with local publisher Will Evans of Deep Vellum Publishing!

Google Plus:

Submit your questions for Will through the above Google Plus or e-mail

And though it seems like just yesterday I was leaving Frankfurt, I bought my plane ticket this morning to come over for my third Frankfurt Book Fair. I feel like a seasoned veteran by now, though one of my first meetings is with Petra Hardt, Suhrkamp’s legendary Foreign Rights Director (from whom I bought the rights to Alisa Ganieva’s The Russian Wall, an announcement coming on that this week!), and this is her 35th Frankfurt Book Fair. I still have so, so much to learn. I can’t wait to haunt Wacker’s Kaffee and sip my morning espresso in the company of international publishing luminaries Sarah McLachlan (House of Anansi) or Eva Cossee (Uitgeverij Cossee) . . . the world is a big, beautiful book waiting to be read, my friends.

NewsWIll Evans